Buddha And The Frog

“Theories pass. The frog remains.” Jean Rostand My workload over the next few months means that I’m going to scale back my blog posts from every-week-day, to 3 or so times a week for a while. All will return to normal shortly! 🙂...

Instamatic Legacy

When DJ’s great uncle passed away a few years ago, he seemingly left very little behind for people to remember him by. However when sorting through his belongings we found a life undiscovered. There were all manner of creative outpourings, ranging from lovingly...


“Memory is more indelible than ink.” Anita Loos This picture is just a little hint of something to come… and it might not be what you think. 😉  

Red #8

“I’m forever blowing bubbles, Pretty bubbles in the air.” John Kellette and Jaan Kenbrovin, The Passing Snow of 1918 To listen to I’m forever blowing bubbles as performed by Henry Burr Click Here 😉  

Red #2

“For the night – tho’ clear – shall frown – And the stars shall look not down, From their high thrones in the Heaven, With light like Hope to mortals given – But their red orbs, without beam, To thy weariness shall seem As a burning...

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